Teacher's open the door. You enter by yourself – Chinese Proverb

Training practices and solutions have dramatically changed over the last few years. Success depends on Competency and Commitment of employees and training at all levels enhances their skills and keeps them motivated on the job. Training today however is not a stand-alone department or a process and organizations need to consistently increase the pool of trainers to close the gaps and grow its capacity by preparing employees for emerging challenges.
Today’s trainers (and everyone is a trainer today at some point) inevitably work in environments that present new challenges and opportunities. Yet, they must meet standards that have not changed, such as engaging participants, creating an environment that encourages learning, risk taking, practice, and checking for understanding. Most important, trainers must enhance organizational capacity — one trainee at a time. This program is just the right one for your select trainers.

So, what do the trainers need to know?
