When will the markets recover?

Positive Thinking
Banking industry collapse, depression, job cuts is what we read or hear - more often than we would like to these days. And the big question that everyone is asking is when will the markets recover?

Okay, now I am not going tell u when the Bulls will return, rather about how quick one can recover if one wants to.

It's an incident that happened a week ago right below the first floor balcony of the apartment where I live.

His name is Pandian and he irons clothes for the neighborhood in our locality. If you may call it as his business assets - they are a 4 wheel cart parked on the platform below my window, charcoal iron box, stock of charcoal kept in a plastic bag for 3 days perhaps. On this day, I was woken up at 6AM with commotion on the streets and a bit of smoke. When I looked out, I got to hear that Pandian's ironing cart and rest of his assets had been burnt by some miscreants. An act of vandalism which I have not seen in the 4 years we have lived in this locality. People gathered to find out more information asking the 5 Wives and 1 Husband. I mean - the Who, what, when, where, why and How questions. So, gossips I thought and went back to preparing myself for the day ahead.
postive-img1At 10:30AM as I was preparing to leave home for a training program I was stunned to see Pandian already at work. I stopped, went up and brought my camera down to take a picture of what I saw.

Take a look, incredible I thought. Back to pressing clothes using a slab supported by stones and the best part is that he was smiling for the photograph. He went on to explain that if he kept thinking about the loss, he would lose more.his Customers!

His business recovery program took only 3 hours. Pandian's Power of Positive thinking and Proactive effort to meet customer needs despite the horrific loss was fantastic. If Pandian can, I am sure you too can - remember only if you want to.