
Always Smile :)


You can always make a fresh start

You can always make a fresh start

As we step into 2013, many of us look forward to making a fresh start one way or the other. Perhaps a day when we think of new beginnings – forgetting the past, forgiving mistakes, asking to be forgiven, choosing priorities and letting go of the one one thing that was and will be detrimental – the dreaded word _ _ _.

Eye Opener

Eye Opener

Every once in a while, Life introduces you to certain people or situations that can leave a lasting impression and a burning desire to be a part of the change process – making the world a better place to live.

Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I am glad I am reading the book “Man’s search for meaning” as we welcome year 2012. Even Eagles need a push and it may come in any form as inspiration.

You attract what you think!

You attract what you think!

“You attract what you think – Positive or Negative”. I have to say my belief about this philosophy got stronger after watching “Secret” which is a treasure of inspiration.

Learn to say, “That’s enough”

Learn to say, “That’s enough”

When I graduated from college, I started working for a sum of Rs. 4250/- as gross salary. It was my first job and I waited eagerly for this day – the day I could have my own money to buy everything I wanted. However, being brought up in a family favoring traditional views and values, I handed over my first income to my parents despite having a long list of wants.
